Geography of India and World


Geography of India and World










🔸 The position of the Earth in its orbit when it is at the greatest distance from the Sun is called?

âž– Aphelion


🔸 The position of the orbit of the moon when it is at its greatest distance from the Earth is called?

âž– Apogee


🔸 The tropical storm in the Carribean or West Pacific Ocean with extremely strong winds is called?

âž– Hurricane


🔸 The wind which rotates in an anticlock direction in the Northern Hemispher and in a clockwise direction in the Southern Hemisphere is called?

âž– Tornado


🔸 The tidal mouth of a river where the salt water of the tide meets the fresh water of the river current is called?

âž– Estuary


🔸 Lines on the map denoting places experiencing equal baromatic pressure is called?

âž– Isobars


🔸 Lines denoting equal depth in the sea is called?

âž– Isobaths


🔸 The 7th largest country of the world in terms of area is?

âž– India


🔸 The fertile soil generally found in UP, Punjab, Haryana and Bihar is called?

âž– Alluvial soil


🔸 Which soil is suitable for the cultivation of cotton, wheat, oil seeds and tobacco?

âž– Black soil


🔸 Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej are the tributaries of which river?

âž– Indus


🔸 Yamuna, Chambal, Betwa, Sone, Ghagra, Gandak and Gomti are the tributaries of which river?

âž– The Ganges


🔸 Teesta river is the tributary of which river?

âž– Brahmaputra


🔸 On which river Bhakra Nangal Dam is constructed?

âž– Sutlej river in Punjab


🔸 On which river Nagarjuna Sagar Dam is contructed?

âž– Krishna river in Karnataka



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